A nice little jaunt into the busy surroundings, sights and smells of the famous Borough Market in South East London, and a few pints of Harvey's Sussex Best in the superb Market Porter pub over the road revealed the fairly recently opened Paul Smith 13 Park Street, Southwark, London, SE1 9AB store just around the corner. The Park street shop front remains largely untouched bar a lick of paint and is a grade two listed building. The area is full of character and will be pretty familiar to many from the location used in Guy Richie's 1998 Lock Stock and Two smoking Barrels.
I really liked this little store, pretty much out on it's own without any neighbouring boutiques.
A store for both Men and Women, there were the usual PS fancies such as artwork, toothbrushes those cool naked lady wallets and other little gift ideas. Clothing wise a nice bright checked shirt with just one button down collar caught my eye, albeit a little pricey though, as did a cool two button polo with stripey zebra detail.

If I'd known you were on the manor I'd have come and said hello. Glad you like our patch tho' the character you mention is sadly disappearing as the area is demolished in the name of progress. Next time your down in Southwark look up the Royal Oak and Lord Clyde - better than the Porter!
ReplyDeleteThat takes me back, used to go to a cafe 1-2 doors to the left of there. Bubble & Squeak n beans! Still there?
ReplyDeleteBugger, was down at the Design Museum nr Tower Bridge on Saturday and got off Tube at London Bridge, would have had a look in that PS gaff if I'd known.
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering where that location was ever since I saw the film. That'll teach me for not going south of the river!
Ah, that brings back memories.
ReplyDeleteUsed to live in London Bridge and would frequent that store often (in between eating as much free cheese from the shop across the road as I could without being told to actually buy something).
It's worth mentioning that there's also lots of bric-a-brac in there (so it's quite good for odd presents for people) and most of the pictures on the walls are for sale too.
Looks like you had a good time in the smoke!