It's about time I put some coats and shit on here eh? here's a few (old) new jackets I've got hold of, of late. If you look dead closely (above) you might spot a nice coat, I've used that one enough now I know, but this is cool eh? not one who's fussed about trends and fashionable collections, camo is always cool to me. Goretex Duck camo is the cat's whiskers, as is this vintage Cabela's hunting jacket. The perfect coat to just throw on and it looks good with 'owt.
I found this French Country Express sailing jacket via a Middlesbrough based vintage store, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, which is rather decent and you should check it out. From a label I've never heard of comes a coat I'll probably never see another of, just how I like it.
You've already seen my vintage Norrøna Sport anoraks, but this is the Daddy thus far, real old school Scandinavian Goretex, similar to the Berghaus Trango, which I've always loved, but every man and his Auntie Fanny seems to have one at the minute. They haven't got one of these though.
From New York's Supreme and absolutely nothing to do with any North of the border football club's so please don't go there. Pretty much the exact silhouette to the famous and highly sought after Faconnable yachting coats I've got.
One of the great old two tone parkas from the US by Field and Stream, in a magnificent colour combo that really shouldn't work, orange and red, it's like carrots and ketchup, then add yellow to the mix, it's a fucking disaster, a disaster I'd happily wear and I doubt I'd ever see again, good enough for me.
Finishing where we started and I'm all done with the camo puns, one of Osti's finest creations the Stone Island 'Ice' stuff, way ahead of it's time, colour changing camouflage is never not cool. I missed out on one of these during the great TK Maxx hunt about 8 years ago, but things go full circle and here it is, still as good looking as it always was.